@@ -143,9 +143,29 @@ jobs:
- name: Fix permissions
run: attrib -r appdir/Cryptomator/Cryptomator.exe
shell: pwsh
- - name: Extract integrations DLL for code signing
+ - name: Extract jars with DLLs for Codesigning
shell: pwsh
- run: gci ./appdir/Cryptomator/app/mods/ -File integrations-win-*.jar | ForEach-Object {Set-Location -Path $_.Directory; jar --file=$($_.FullName) --extract integrations.dll }
+ run: |
+ Add-Type -AssemblyName "System.io.compression.filesystem"
+ $jarFolder = Resolve-Path ".\appdir\Cryptomator\app\mods"
+ $jarExtractDir = New-Item -Path ".\appdir\jar-extract" -ItemType Directory
+ #for all jars inspect
+ Get-ChildItem -Path $jarFolder -Filter "*.jar" | ForEach-Object {
+ $jar = [Io.compression.zipfile]::OpenRead($_.FullName)
+ if (@($jar.Entries | Where-Object {$_.Name.ToString().EndsWith(".dll")} | Select-Object -First 1).Count -gt 0) {
+ #jars containing dlls extract
+ Set-Location $jarExtractDir
+ Expand-Archive -Path $_.FullName
+ }
+ $jar.Dispose()
+ }
+ - name: Extract wixhelper.dll for Codesigning #see https://github.com/cryptomator/cryptomator/issues/3130
+ shell: pwsh
+ run: |
+ New-Item -Path appdir/jpackage-jmod -ItemType Directory
+ & $env:JAVA_HOME\bin\jmod.exe extract --dir jpackage-jmod "${env:JAVA_HOME}\jmods\jdk.jpackage.jmod"
+ Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path "jpackage-jmod" -File wixhelper.dll | Select-Object -Last 1 | Copy-Item -Destination "appdir"
- name: Codesign
uses: skymatic/code-sign-action@v2
@@ -154,12 +174,22 @@ jobs:
certificatesha1: 5FC94CE149E5B511E621F53A060AC67CBD446B3A
description: Cryptomator
timestampUrl: 'http://timestamp.digicert.com'
- folder: appdir/Cryptomator
+ folder: appdir
recursive: true
- - name: Repack signed DLL into jar
+ - name: Replace DLLs inside jars with signed ones
shell: pwsh
run: |
- gci ./appdir/Cryptomator/app/mods/ -File integrations-win-*.jar | ForEach-Object {Set-Location -Path $_.Directory; jar --file=$($_.FullName) --update integrations.dll; Remove-Item integrations.dll}
+ $jarExtractDir = Resolve-Path ".\appdir\jar-extract"
+ $jarFolder = Resolve-Path ".\appdir\Cryptomator\app\mods"
+ Get-ChildItem -Path $jarExtractDir | ForEach-Object {
+ $jarName = $_.Name
+ $jarFile = "${jarFolder}\${jarName}.jar"
+ Set-Location $_
+ Get-ChildItem -Path $_ -Recurse -File "*.dll" | ForEach-Object {
+ # update jar with signed dll
+ jar --file="$jarFile" --update $(Resolve-Path -Relative -Path $_)
+ }
+ }
- name: Generate license for MSI
run: >
mvn -B license:add-third-party
@@ -193,6 +223,7 @@ jobs:
--file-associations dist/win/resources/FAvaultFile.properties
JP_WIXWIZARD_RESOURCES: ${{ github.workspace }}/dist/win/resources # requires abs path, used in resources/main.wxs
+ JP_WIXHELPER_DIR: ${{ github.workspace }}\appdir
- name: Codesign MSI
uses: skymatic/code-sign-action@v2