@@ -14,40 +14,15 @@
<!-- Jetty false positives below -->
- <notes><![CDATA[ Affects jetty < 6.1.22 ]]></notes>
- <gav>org.eclipse.jetty.toolchain:jetty-servlet-api:4.0.6</gav>
- <cve>CVE-2009-5045</cve>
- </suppress>
- <suppress>
- <notes><![CDATA[ Affects jetty < 6.1.22 ]]></notes>
- <gav>org.eclipse.jetty.toolchain:jetty-servlet-api:4.0.6</gav>
- <cve>CVE-2009-5046</cve>
- </suppress>
+ <notes><![CDATA[
+ Suppress all for this javax.servlet api package:
+ There are lots of false positives, simply because its version number is way beyond the remaining
+ org.eclipse.jetty jar files. Note, that our actual Jetty version is different.
- <suppress>
- <notes><![CDATA[ Affects jetty-server 9.x ]]></notes>
- <gav>org.eclipse.jetty.toolchain:jetty-servlet-api:4.0.6</gav>
- <cve>CVE-2017-9735</cve>
- </suppress>
- <suppress>
- <notes><![CDATA[ Affects jetty-server 9.x ]]></notes>
- <gav>org.eclipse.jetty.toolchain:jetty-servlet-api:4.0.6</gav>
- <cve>CVE-2017-7656</cve>
- </suppress>
- <suppress>
- <notes><![CDATA[ Affects jetty-server 9.x ]]></notes>
- <gav>org.eclipse.jetty.toolchain:jetty-servlet-api:4.0.6</gav>
- <cve>CVE-2017-7657</cve>
- </suppress>
- <suppress>
- <notes><![CDATA[ Affects jetty-server 9.x ]]></notes>
- <gav>org.eclipse.jetty.toolchain:jetty-servlet-api:4.0.6</gav>
- <cve>CVE-2017-7658</cve>
- </suppress>
- <suppress>
- <notes><![CDATA[ Fixed since jetty-server 10.0.0.beta2 ]]></notes>
+ As long as we don't suppress anything in org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-server or :jetty-servlet,
+ vulnerabilities will still trigger if we actually use an outdated Jetty version.
+ ]]></notes>
- <cve>CVE-2020-27216</cve>
+ <cpe regex="true">.*</cpe>