## Supporting Cryptomator
Cryptomator is provided free of charge as an open-source project despite the high development effort and is therefore dependent on donations. If you are also interested in further development, we offer you the opportunity to support us:
- [One-time or recurring donation via Cryptomator's website.](https://cryptomator.org/#donate)
- [Become a sponsor via Cryptomator's sponsors website.](https://cryptomator.org/sponsors/)
### Gold Sponsors
Become our Gold Sponsor and showcase your brand to a targeted audience! Please contact us if you are interested.
### Silver Sponsors
### Special Shoutout
Continuous integration hosting for ARM64 builds is provided by [MacStadium](https://www.macstadium.com/opensource).
## Introduction
Cryptomator offers multi-platform transparent client-side encryption of your files in the cloud.
Download native binaries of Cryptomator on [cryptomator.org](https://cryptomator.org/) or clone and build Cryptomator using Maven (instructions below).
## Features
- Works with Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, MEGA, pCloud, ownCloud, Nextcloud and any other cloud storage service which synchronizes with a local directory
- Open Source means: No backdoors, control is better than trust
- Client-side: No accounts, no data shared with any online service
- Totally transparent: Just work on the virtual drive as if it were a USB flash drive
- AES encryption with 256-bit key length
- File names get encrypted
- Folder structure gets obfuscated
- Use as many vaults in your Dropbox as you want, each having individual passwords
- Four thousand commits for the security of your data!! :tada:
### Privacy
- 256-bit keys (unlimited strength policy bundled with native binaries)
- Scrypt key derivation
- Cryptographically secure random numbers for salts, IVs and the masterkey of course
- Sensitive data is wiped from the heap asap
- Lightweight: [Complexity kills security](https://www.schneier.com/essays/archives/1999/11/a_plea_for_simplicit.html)
### Consistency
- Authenticated encryption is used for file content to recognize changed ciphertext before decryption
- I/O operations are transactional and atomic, if the filesystems support it
- Each file contains all information needed for decryption (except for the key of course), no common metadata means no [SPOF](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single_point_of_failure)
### Security Architecture
For more information on the security details visit [cryptomator.org](https://docs.cryptomator.org/en/latest/security/architecture/).
## Building
### Dependencies
* JDK 22 (e.g. temurin, zulu)
* Maven 3
### Run Maven
mvn clean install
# or mvn clean install -Pwin
# or mvn clean install -Pmac
# or mvn clean install -Plinux
This will build all the jars and bundle them together with their OS-specific dependencies under `target`. This can now be used to build native packages.
## License
This project is dual-licensed under the GPLv3 for FOSS projects as well as a commercial license for independent software vendors and resellers. If you want to modify this application under different conditions, feel free to contact our support team.